Black Hat SEO mainly focuses on spamming. Or Black hat tactics is much spammy method.
The "black-hat" tactics are not intended to help you "trick" the search engines but rather to warn you against these tactics. You will find information on SEO tactics that have been or at the very least should and certainly will be banned by the major search engines. These are tactics that are subject to large scale abuse.
WARNING: do NOT use these tactics. They will get your website penalized and/or banned, if not today then soon.
- Keyword Stuffing
This is probably one of the most commonly abused forms of search engine spam. Essentially this is when a webmaster or SEO places a large number of instances of the targeted keyword phrase in hopes that the search engine will read this as relevant. In order to offset the fact that this text generally reads horribly it will often be placed at the bottom of a page and in a very small font size. An additional tactic that is often associated with this practice is hidden text which is commented on below. - Doorway Pages
Doorway pages are pages added to a website solely to target a specific keyword phrase or phrases and provide little in the way of value to a visitor. Generally the content on these pages provide no information and the page is only there to promote a phrase in hopes that once a visitor lands there, that they will go to the homepage and continue on from there. Often to save time these pages are generated by software and added to a site automatically. This is a very dangerous practice. Not only are many of the methods of injecting doorway pages banned by the search engines but a quick report to the search engine of this practice and your website will simply disappear along with all the legitimate ranks you have attained with your genuine content pages. - Duplicate Content Operation
If the targeted pages’ content where to be duped on some throwaway “bad neighborhood” domains, possibly embedded in spammy keywords (e.g. porn, pills, casinos), invisible text, etc., this may result in both sets of pages being deindexed. - Over-Submission Operation
While the effect of this approach is generally deemed questionable, attackers have been know to over-submit pages (typically within a fully automated setup) to the search engines either from a single IP or even spread across a set of seemingly unrelated IPs. - Redirection Operation
If hackers where to implement 301 redirects to the targeted pages/domains from some “bad neighborhood” (e.g. porn sites, link farms, etc.) this could result in the attacked pages being deindexed. - Interlinking
This tactic is more difficult to detect than others when done "correctly" . This tactic is difficult to detect from a user standpoint unless you end up with multiple sites in the top positions on the search engines in which case it is likely that you will be reported.As incoming links became more important for search engine positioning the practice of building multiple websites and linking them together to build the overall link popularity of them all became a common practice.
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