Classified ads are small text and image based advertisements used to promote/sell a product or service. Online classified advertisements have become more and more popular over recent years, among both companies and private traders. Your classified ad can be as little as a phone number or a full description of your product. Classified ads originated in newspapers and magazines but are now around online. Online classified ads are usually longer in length than offline ads, because there is no pricing per word.
Below are five reasons why classified advertisements should be used online:
- Cost effective: For the amount of information you can get into a classified ad, and the amount of potential viewers classified ads are extremely cost effective. Very often you can get ad space for free, but on bigger websites (potentially viewed by millions) you can get invaluable advertisement for a product or service for next to nothing costs.
- Potentially seen by Millions of customers : Unlike local/regional newspapers, magazines or even national newspapers, your advertisement can be seen by potential customers all over the world for the same price (or even cheaper) as a local/regional classified advertisement.
- Photos and Text : In a classified advertisement, you can get your point over through text, and you can also show your product in the form of a picture. A picture tells a thousand words and this is also true in this circumstance. Having a picture breeds faith among your potential customers, you can say your product is of near new condition, but seeing it is another story.
- Leave contact details : With a classified advertisement you can always leave your contact details. By doing this you will ensure that any potential customers can follow up their interest.
- Short and to the point : Classified ads are always short and to the point, however, the reason why they are so popular is because they allow there to be follow up’s. This allows potential customers to get all the essential information quickly.
Search Engine Submission is a process where a webmaster manually submit the particular website to search engines. The website webmaster would rather to wait for a search engine to discover the new web page. By doing search engine submission, Search engine will be able to index and crawl a website easily and we have a high opportunity to get web page or web site updated in the respective search engine. A website need to be listed in popular search engine because this will increase the volume of visitors to visit our website.
- Forum Posting
- Link Wheel Creation
- Hub Page Creation
- Squidoo Lense Creation
- Reviews post
- Article Submission
- Press Releases Submission
- Pod casting
- Question-Answer
- Image Promotion
- Deals Submission
- Doc Sharing
- Slide Sharing
- Coupon Submission
- Profile Creations
- Directory Submission
- Blogging
- Micro Blogging
- E-mail Marketing
- Pixel Submission
- Google Group Discussion
- Pinging
- Link bait